ICA Art Competition 2021
It was that time of year again when the children of Ballyconnell National School got to showcase their artistic talents. This annual ICA art competition is a long running tradition at the school. Ann Whelan of the ICA believes it has been running for over 45 years.
The school would like to thank Ann for visiting all the classroom displays and spending time chatting to all the children and giving her artistic opinion and her very informative eye for detail on all the beautiful masterpieces created.
The school would like to express their thanks to the ICA for all the beautiful trophies and medals which the winners were presented with and the treats for all the children in the school.
Winners of the ICA Art Competition 2021
Ms. Sheppard Early Intervention ASD class
Tunde Dowling
Innis Kearney
Harper Kelly
Joel Lima
Joshua Oladele
John Purcell
Ms. Dempsey Primary ASD class
Sophia Doyle
Philip Keogh Curran
Isabella Otabo
Evan Ryan
Max Timofejeos
Ms. Mullin - Junior Infants – (Theme - Under the Sea)
1st Prize Jade O’Neill
2nd Prize Kayla Timmins
3rd Prize Jack McCall
Ms. Dolan’s - Senior Infants – (Theme - Fun in the Sun)
1st Prize Conor Farrell
2nd Prize Catherine Byrne
3rd Prize Sam Willoughby
Ms. Mulvehill’s - 1st Class - (Theme – Tropical Paradise)
1st Prize Oliver Holligan
2nd Prize Sarah O’Grady
3rd Prize Jamie Donoghue
Ms. Doyle’s 2nd Class – (Theme - Ocean Life)
1st Prize Eva Willoughby
2nd Prize Mary Lawlor
3rd Prize Christopher O’Toole
Ms. Dagg’s – 3rd & 4th Class (Theme – Accomplishments)
1st Prize Conor Butler
2nd Prize Nina Timmins
3rd Prize Sean Byrne
4th Prize Megan Mernagh
Ms. Clare’s – 4th & 5th Class (Theme – The Olympics)
1st Prize Arabella Harding
2nd Prize Ayra Faiz
3rd Prize Saoirse Cahill
4th Prize Liam Kennedy
Mr. Byrne’s – 6th Class (Theme – Happinness is…..)
1st Prize Johnnie Sheppard
2nd Prize Sophie Donoghue
3rd Prize Penny Keogh
4th Prize Orlaith Donoghue