Green Schools Update

Category - Science

While we have been staying safe at home during this time, it has not stopped us from staying involved with Green-Schools, who launched a stay at home programme. During week 1, children experimented to see the effects pollution has on plants. Here’s just a selection of their great work!

Seachtain na Gaeilge '24.

We recently celebrated Seachtain na Gaeilge with a plethora of activities!. Bhí seachtain iontach againn! Check out our highlights video.

Confirmation 2024

Our Confirmation took place in Ballyconnell on 15th of March 2024. 6th Class had a great day after all their preparation! Read what Nina, Ava, James C and Jane have to say!

Spelling Bee 2024

Our 2024 Spelling Bee Champion, Babette, headed off to the County Final in Tullow in early March. Read about how she got on below. Well done Babette!

Físeán Drámaíochta

Rang a 5 recently performed their play in the GB Shaw Theatre in Carlow as part of Glór Cheatharlach's Seachtain na Gaeilge celebrations.